Sunday, September 8, 2013

Favorite Gear #2

WARNING: Prepare yourself for more Nike fawning.

I am currently using a couple of apps to help in my training.

The first is 5K Runner by Clear Sky Apps LTD.

It cost $2.99 and I consider it well worth it. (There is a free version to try but I believe it only has one run on it)

The runs vary from 25 minutes to 45 minutes. There is 24 different runs. 8 weeks/3 days per week.  Each day includes a 5 minute warm up and cool down. Then each day includes a run that builds in length and intensity. For example Week 1/Day 1 is 5 minute warm up then 20 minutes worth of run 1 minute - walk 1.5 minutes then 5 minutes cool down. As you go on the runs get longer and the walking gets shorter until you are running the whole time.

App includes an audio "coach" that will ding a bell and tell you if you need to run or walk. (Very helpful)

App will play the music on your phone/ipod.

Every few days you earn a "badge" for your progess. And it will keep track of your "wins" (completed runs and badges) any of which you can share via Facebook, Twitter or email.

This app is available from the iTunes store for $2.99 AND there is follow up apps including 10K Runner & 21K Runner (which is a half marathon). I am hoping for a Marathon runner eventually)

In addition to that I also use the Nike+ Running app.

This app keeps track of all of your runs including, when, how far & how fast.

Home screen keeps a running total of your miles, Nike Fuel and your average speed per mile. Also lets you link to friends to see how their runs are going (excellent for friendly competition).

The app lets you set the paramiters for your run. You can set a specific length or time and it will give you audio cues as to how you are doing (each mile, when you are half done, etc.).  During the run the screen keeps track of how far you have gone, how long and what your current speed is.

After each run it will ask you how it felt and what kind of surface you were running on. Then it keeps a history for you including what the weather was like while you were running.

This app also quite nicely asks you to "tag" which pair of shoes you were running. (You can pick nicknames for them) and it keeps track of the mileage on each of your pairs of shoes!

The app is available from iTunes and is FREE! (Thanks Nike!)

I like to run both apps at the same time with a male voice on one and a female voice on the other.

Keeps track of all my runs and trains me at the same time. I love it!

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