Sunday, April 28, 2013

Non-running Days #1 - Nike Training Club App

As much as I would like to run everyday I just don't think its a good thing to do. Especially when you are starting out. Even two days in row feels hard and it seems I tire very quickly on the second day. Everything I have read encourages running 3-4 times a week with "cross-training" and rest days in between.  I have a lot of other training options at my disposal right now. As with everything there are some I like more than others.

One of my absolute favorites right now is the Nike Training Club App.  I have it installed on my iPad and I love it.  It even logs into my Nike+ account (which you will hear me rave about more in the future).

There are several options for different types of workouts (Get Lean, Get Toned, Get Strong, Get Focused) and several workouts in each of those categories. The workouts are 15, 30 or 45 minutes and you can pick Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. Some of the workouts require equipment (dumbbells, medicine ball, etc) but many do not. The workouts are very user friendly with video clips of every exercise so you can familiarize yourself with them. Also it will play the music you have stored on your device during your workout.

After you download the app you can download bonus workouts from various athletes/trainers. The more you exercise you earn badges and rewards. The rewards include healthy recipes and additional workouts.

You can favorite specific workouts and it keeps track of your most recent workouts so that you can repeat ones you really liked.

The app itself is free and it is available through the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store. It has a shop option that links to and it has ads that will recommend various workout clothing/gear.

I really enjoy it and cannot recommend it highly enough. Great for working out in the comfort of your own home.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Who likes short shorts?!

So, I am on Week 6 of the revised running schedule. I love that feeling. It is a small step but its nice to feel like I am getting somewhere.

In other news. We are getting actual spring weather today (huzzah). I didn't even wear a coat today when I went outside, which I consider a small but important victory.  It does however bring me to a bit of a problem.  I've been shopping for running clothes a little bit a time and I'd like to file a complaint...(in general) women's running shorts are super freaking short!  Not that I am opposed to such things, but fact is I do not have the legs to pull off such a look.  Not to mention my super pale British skin that hasn't seen sun in a very long time may blind anyone happening to pass by.

Seriously?! And why she is wearing long sleeves?

As a matter of protest (and self preservation) I have decided against such clothing items until such time I don't feel like this when I try them on

To the men's shorts section!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Training Calendar

 I like to keep a running calendar of my workouts/plans for future workouts.  It makes it easier to keep track of what I've done and make sure I am keeping up with my goals. I like to find a printable calendar online such as THIS awesome one from The Elli Blog.

I work with one month at a time starting with notes in the corner of each day with my work schedule and making sure to write down special events or busy days. I made a list of every exercise I like to do and the equipment at my disposal. Then I decide which days are good for running (3-4 times a week) and how far/how long I'd like to run that day. I fill in 2 weeks at a time with my running days and fill in the others with alternate exercises (weights, bike, cardio, etc) and the occasional rest day.

I check them off as I complete them and edit as I need to. Then as I finish workouts I plan the future days I haven't filled in yet with things I need to work on or more challenging exercises if I'm getting better.

These particular printable calendars also have a very helpful "notes" section on the side that I use to keep track of my weight on the first and last days of the month, goals and notes on things I'd like to try.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Just do it. Even if you suck.

So I've been thinking about running for a while now. I've even signed up for a few upcoming 5ks and I've been slowly starting to run (key word: slow). I originally had my eye set on ending up doing 1/2 marathons. I thought that sounded "do-able". With the recent tragedy at the Boston Marathon I feel like a fire has been lit. It is now my goal to qualify for, compete in and finish the Boston Marathon. It may take me a couple years but I've got nothing but time and everyone is always so fond of saying "its never too late". So I'm here to find out.

I've mostly been running on the treadmill lately seeing as there is still a foot of snow on the ground (it IS spring right?). My first goal is to run a 5k (no time limit right now). I've been working my way up using a chart I found on pinterest.

I'm currently rocking Week 5 on this chart. And seeing as I have a 5k Color Run in Denver on June 16th I'd say I have some work to do.


UPDATE 04-21-13

Found this updated version of the above chart. I like it even better :)